Is your home an accurate reflection of your personality, taste, and style? It can (and should) be!

Interior design is an art that can transform any space into a beautiful and functional living area.

Whether you are starting from scratch or just want to give your home a new look, these interior design ideas can help you add character and style to your home.


Choose a Colour Scheme

The first step in designing any space is to choose a colour scheme. Colour has a powerful impact on the mood and atmosphere of a room.

If you want a calm and relaxing atmosphere, choose cool colours like blue or green. For a vibrant and energising atmosphere, go for warm colours like red or orange.

Neutral colours like beige, grey, and white can work well as a base colour, while accent colours like yellow or pink can add a pop of colour to a room.


Use Lighting Strategically

Lighting is an important aspect of interior design that is often overlooked. Proper lighting can create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, while inadequate lighting can make a room feel cold and uninviting.

Use a combination of natural and artificial lighting to create the perfect ambiance. You can use floor lamps, table lamps, and ceiling fixtures to add different layers of lighting to a room.


Incorporate Textures and Patterns

Textures and patterns can add depth and interest to a room. You can use different fabrics, such as velvet, linen, or silk, to add texture to your furniture and decor.

Why not even try experimenting with patterned wallpaper, rugs, or throw pillows to add visual interest to a room.


Mix and Match Furniture

Mixing and matching furniture styles and pieces can create a unique and eclectic look. You can combine modern and vintage pieces, or mix different materials like wood, metal, or glass.

Just make sure that the pieces complement each other and fit the overall style of the room.


Create a Focal Point

A focal point is a design element that draws the eye and anchors a room. It can be a piece of artwork, a statement piece of furniture, or a unique architectural feature.

Once you have identified the focal point, arrange the rest of the furniture and decor around it to create a cohesive and balanced look.


Add Plants and Greenery

Plants and greenery can add life and colour to any space. They can also improve air quality and reduce stress levels.

You can use potted plants, hanging plants, or a vertical garden to add greenery to your home.


Use Wall Art and Décor

Wall art and decor can add personality and style to a room. You can use framed art, tapestries, or even a gallery wall to create a statement.

Don't be afraid to mix and match different styles and mediums to create a unique look.

Explore Amichi Co collections of fine art photography prints to elevate your walls here.


Create a Cosy Corner

A cosy corner is a small space in a room that is designed for relaxation and comfort. You can create a cosy corner with a comfortable armchair, a soft rug, and a small table for books or drinks.

This can be a great spot to read, meditate, or just unwind after a long day.


Use Mirrors to Add Depth

Mirrors can make a room feel larger and more spacious. They can also reflect light and add brightness to a room. You can use mirrors strategically; for example, you could place a large mirror opposite a window to reflect natural light around the room.


Don't Forget the Details

Usually, we'd advise against sweating the small stuff. However, it's the little details that can make a big impact on the overall look and feel of a room.

Don't forget to add details like decorative knobs, unique light fixtures, or interesting wall hooks. These small touches can add personality and style to any space.

Incorporating these interior design tips can help you transform your home into a stylish and functional living space that reflects your unique personality and taste.

Whether you prefer a modern, minimalist look or a more eclectic style, these ideas can be adapted to fit any design aesthetic. So, get creative and have fun designing your dream home!

By understanding which pieces work well together, you can create a harmonious look that is sure to breathe life into any space.