Art has the power to elevate the aesthetic appeal of a home and create a sense of warmth and comfort. Choosing the right art for your home can be a challenging task, but it's crucial to get it right.

Whether you're looking to add some colour to your walls or create a focal point, here are some tips to help you choose art that elevates your home.


Determine the purpose of the space

Before you start shopping for art, it's essential to determine the purpose of the space where you intend to display the artwork.

Is it a living room, a bedroom, a hallway, or an entryway? Each room in your home has a unique purpose, and the art you choose should complement that purpose.

For example, if you're looking to add art to your living room, you might want to choose something that's bold and vibrant, while for your bedroom, you might want to choose something that's calm and soothing.

If you’re unsure of where to start, visit the Amichi Co Styling Service for a free helping hand.


Consider the style of your home

The style of your home should also influence the art you choose.

If your home is contemporary, you might want to choose abstract art or something with clean lines and minimalism. If your home is more traditional, you might want to choose something with a classic, timeless feel, like a landscape or portrait.

It's important to choose art that complements the existing style of your home and doesn't clash with it.

If you don’t know what interior styles you like, take the Amichi Co Design Style Quiz to find out!


Think about the colour scheme

The colour of the art you choose can make a significant impact on the overall aesthetic of your home. Consider the colours of the walls, furniture, and decor in the room where you'll be displaying the art.

You might want to choose art that complements the existing colour scheme, or you might want to choose art that adds a pop of colour to the room.

If you're unsure about which colours to choose, consider choosing neutral art that blends in with the existing colours in the room.


Choose art that speaks to you

Ultimately, the art you choose should speak to you on a personal level. Whether it's a painting, photograph, or sculpture, choose art that resonates with you and brings you joy.

Art is a reflection of your personality and taste, and the art you choose should reflect that.

If you're unsure about what you like, visit art galleries or browse online to get a sense of what styles and artists you're drawn to.


Consider the size and scale

The size and scale of the art you choose are also important factors to consider.

If you're choosing art for a large, open space, you might want to choose a larger piece that can fill the wall and make a statement.

In contrast, if you're choosing art for a smaller space, you might want to choose a smaller piece that doesn't overwhelm the room. It's also important to consider the height at which the art will be displayed. You should hang art at eye level, which is typically around 57-60 inches from the floor.

If you’d like to virtually experiment with a piece of art on your wall in real scale, depth, and perspective, you can visit the Virtual Art Assistant for mock-ups of your actual space!


Don't forget about framing

The framing of the art you choose can make a significant impact on how it looks in your home. A well-chosen frame can complement the art and enhance its overall aesthetic appeal.

Consider the style of the frame and choose one that complements the style of your home and the art you've chosen. If you're unsure about which frame to choose, consider consulting with a professional framer.

Choosing art that elevates your home requires careful consideration of the purpose of the space, the style of your home, the colour scheme, your personal taste, the size and scale of the art, and the framing.

By following these tips, you can choose art that adds beauty, warmth, and personality to your home, making it a place you love to spend time in.

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